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Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 11:05 am
by vector
you thought id gone quiet on this didnt you :cry:
that's what the dialogs are for. there's a reason they come up at the beginning of the week, i can't store the values that easily. you just have to memorize them as much as you can.
I see now. this is a shame. while I was testing USA I had 3 offers in on players and two I was selling..
Now that i have to wait a week to find out results I often make offers on 3 or more players so i increase my chances and options of getting a player. Obviously there are favourites, ones id prefer to buy, but if they keep rejecting me ill accept the cheaper not so good player.

As you can imagine keeping track of 3 or more fees/wages over 3 weeks of offering rejecting new offers etc is impossible in ones head(well for me anyway) I had to write it down on scrap...and I thought this was a paperless world

I was trying to more or less rebuild a side as quickly as possible by selling and buying players. this may have worked..but ill never know :cry: Id just bought 2 players and was usinga loan to tye me over till i sold 3 other players when the USA transfer list bug got me. at week 8 i was stuck with 3 more players than i needed(which i now couldnt sell), and 2.5mil in debt...i got sacked eventually.

ohh well

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 6:29 am
by gyboth
vector wrote:you thought id gone quiet on this didnt you :cry:
;-) i hoped hehe.

the release date is coming closer, so i don't think i'm going to change the transfer list stuff again. ask me after the release ;-)

and don't forget: in 1.8 you only had one shot at the player. you can't say now that you want to make the transfer list more '1.8.-like' because you liked it better.


Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 10:07 pm
by vector
yes ill leave you happy for now but I will bug you later..after the release.
Its my destiny in life to get the transfer thing smooth as silk ;)
wish i could code more;(

I DONT want it like 1.8 that was FAR WORSE ;)

its is currently so very CLOSE to brilliant that I feel it worth my time to keep reminding you :wink:

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 11:27 am
by gyboth
i implemented this 'remember' feature. i hope i didn't break anything. try it out and report bugs (there might well be some).


Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 12:02 am
by vector
sorry been really busy at work and then after hours doing another job. Not much time to play :(

it looks and feels great. much easier to manage and get places.

there have been some things which may be bugs but I was playing too fast looking for big bugs(which i dindt find) and didnt notice the details of the minor possible bugs(which i only think i saw). Dont worry Ill let you know ;)