Injury causes player to leave your team

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Injury causes player to leave your team

Post by will_the_canuck »

Whoa. I was playing my game tonight and the one match I just finished ended up in a win for me but I surely got a surprise for sure. My one player, Miguel Larson, got injured and when I looked at how long the injury would be for, it said the player would be injured for 51 weeks. Damn that's a long time. And his contract was for another 2.0 years. After I pressed the home icon to advance to the next match prep area, I got a pop-up box with the following message: "Miguel Larson's injury was so severe that he can't play football on a professional level anymore. He leaves your team."

So damn. I lose the player and also the value of the player to potentially trade and recover any fees that I might get for him. I guess this is what happens when a player decides to retire. And if you were wondering, the player was 24.

Well, it was a shock for me to see and I thought I'd pass this along in case this might happen to any of you out there. :)

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Re: Injury causes player to leave your team

Post by billys_boots »

Of course this happens in the real world but is covered by insurance. This hasn't happened to me, yet, but I did have a whole team of injured players, not mine but a computer generated team, crashing a game. I raised a bug report for this.
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Re: Injury causes player to leave your team

Post by will_the_canuck »

billys_boots wrote:Of course this happens in the real world but is covered by insurance. This hasn't happened to me, yet, but I did have a whole team of injured players, not mine but a computer generated team, crashing a game. I raised a bug report for this.
True. I guess with how the player got injured and chose to retire, I can't blame the player and all, but it was still a surprise. And yes, I might be a little miffed at losing the value of the player in respects to the financial value of the player, as well as the fact I'm losing a player that I likely didn't want to lose in the first place, but oh well. Though he chose to retire after an injury, I wonder about any players that choose to retire after reaching a certain age on here and maybe not being played as much or such, whether or not that might happen also? Or will players only retire after an injury that is too much for them to handle and/or be injured for an extended period of time, like 50+ weeks? Though I will have to say that with how it is handled, by the player just leaving the team and the owner getting nothing in return, it does add a bit to the game as another obstacle to overcome. So it is an added challenge otherwise. Not a preferred outcome but a challenge nonetheless.

And billys_boots, when I look at your bug report for the banned and/or injured players, all the players showed health as "0" (zero) and then had cskill values greater than 0 (zero), which may imply that they were in fact all banned instead of injured, assuming that cskill means current skill level compared to skill, which is basically their level of skill that they will achieve when 100 percent healthy. :) I say this as when a player is normally injured in the game, they have a health score of 0 (zero) normally and their cskill score is also 0 (zero) too. Only after they get over their injury does their health score have a value greater than 0 (zero) and their cskill score has a value greater than 0 (zero) too. Of course, these score values are different from their Etal score. Anyways, your example is still odd and an anomaly so because of that, it is interesting.

So for the fact that a player got a career ending injury and left my team without any compensation to me for it, it sucks. But, as you said, it happens in real life so why should the game be any different. It is also a way to have players eventually leave the game. It isn't pretty but it works. But knowing this "feature" of the game is out there, at least people will now know it isn't a bug but actually part of the game.

Anyways, thanks for the reply.

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