Hello again. Well, although it has been around 2 and a half years since I last wrote under this post, I found this recent problem by shear luck as I wasn't playing via live game but rather letting the computer play my games for me, while I was working on testing some definitions out to figure out another problem that I was working on.

So whereas the original issue was that a player would get red carded early enough in the game and later on, they would be able to play and later score on me, this example follows in the same vein of that original issue except in this one, instead of the player scoring on me, they get red carded a second time, in the same game. That's why it stood out at me, otherwise, I wouldn't have paid any attention to it. I'm wondering if perhaps a good suggestion might be where when a player is red carded (or yellow carded), on the after game statistics and all where the red card would be shown, maybe the time that the red card was earned would be useful to be seen with the issuing of the red card itself? This way when we are playing with the computer controlling our game play, we can see when a red card was given in comparison to when the goals were scored. It might help us in some regards.
Now to set up this interesting result, here's some backstory... I am playing with the Peru definitions that are found in South America and I'm playing as a team in the third tier (the Copa Perú). I'm playing this specific definition set because the third tier is basically a league file that has many different teams in it (56 teams) and the league file itself has the property tags of "inactive" and "omit_from_history" included. It currently uses cup files to run the game play for this tier, not the league file itself. As I have come to learn about this set-up, it has negative effects when a user plays a team from a league set up like this, which is why I am testing this out.
So in my example here, I am playing as the team of A. Arequipa (currently Aurora in the Copa Perú/peru3 league list) and my opponents are C.N.I.. It is currently Week 31, round 2 in the game and I just finished the match with C.N.I.. If you go to the "User" menu option and select "Show last match stats", you can see that the player of Erick Curiel received 2 red cards in the last match: one in the 44th minute and one in the 90th minute. You'll have to select the "Show last match" to see the actual times that the player received the red cards. If you were to check the team roster for C.N.I., you'll see that there is only one player with the name of Erick Curiel.
Additionally, some important information in this case is that the cup file(s) that run the first phase of the Copa Perú, they finish in week 31, so that until week 31 is completely finished and cycled over into week 32, nothing is scheduled and is currently unknown to us in week 31. This is relevant because this affects how the program works. Let me explain.
Although I thought this was likely just a live game issue, it is more than that and can affect the user either when playing the live game or when the computer controls your game play selections for you. When you play the live game, you may notice that the update frequency of the player statistics depends on a few factors, that being the time frame in minutes played within the game that you selected and what is scheduled after your current match. By this I mean if you have a country definition that just contains league files and nothing more, meaning no cups, then you likely won't experience this issue, except for potentially on the last scheduled week of game play and/or your last scheduled match, and also at a point where any of your players have hit the yellow card accumulation mark in a game and would be banned for the next match played.
The problem that is surfacing here is how the user matches are being handled. For whatever reason, if you look at how the game works, it does not appear to isolate the weeks and rounds separately within the user realm, which can lead to the issue that is showing up here, at least in my opinion. By this, I mean that while a match is going on for the user, their players' statistics during the match can be updated periodically, and at times, be updated for periods during the game as well as for potential future matches. This can be seen by the difference in statistics (games played, goals and assists) as well as yellow card accumulation and red cards too. Because it does not appear as if these statistics are separated and isolated from the game during these matches, these oddities can occur, which can alter the match being played. Additionally, if you ever look at your opponents' team after a match played via the live game option, before you press the "close" button, you may notice that some of your opponents' players may not account for some actions incurred during the game, like red cards, especially if you have a different type of match set for the next game to play. And by this I mean if you are playing a league match and your next match is a cup match, each match would have separate statistics. In the live game matches, the end of the week or round should be processed after the user presses the "close" button on the live game window, which should then process the live game action and update the statistics and records accordingly. As for the computer controlled matches, it should likely be after the game results are shown on the screen. Or maybe a button should be presented to the user to press to let the week or round end and then proceed to the next available week or round. I don't know. Either way, the way it is handled now is maybe a little simpler than it should be.
So before I end this post and let you check on the saved game to see what I'm talking about, let me recap here the fine points of this post:
1) A suggestion that when yellow and red cards are given and shown on the match summary page after the match is done, maybe the times that those cards were earned/given should be included so we can follow along, at least for the people that don't use the live game option
2) I don't know what effect it will have on game play or processing time but when it comes to the users' matches, a snapshot of their statistics should be taken, along with their opponents' statistics, and only referenced and updated within the realm of the match itself. After the match, after the user acknowledges the end by pressing a button to continue, like the "close" button in the live game, then the statistics from the match can be merged and updated to the main statistics/records and then the game can proceed to the next week or round or match for the user or that is available for any scheduled matches, depending on how the user has their settings set up. Because right now, the way it is set up, it is allowing the possibility for this "bug" to occur.
And on that note, I'll wish you all well for now,
Will aka will_the_canuck