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finance Report
Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 10:29 am
by vector
Im not an accountant or anything so Im probably wrong but I expect to see a total debts and then a balance in the finance page.
Inwards would =
Money +Ticket sale+Prize+Transfer
Outwards = Journey + wages+transfer+Stadium
and Balance = Inwards-Outwards
Leaving drawing credit as it is.
that way its nice and easy to glance how well the team is travelling
Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 12:31 pm
by gyboth
yep, definitely something for the todo list.
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 2:48 am
by vector
I assume its using last weeks calcs.
Because if I sart new season finances does not report wages.
Would it be possible to show in the next column, prev weeks. or better still prev avg. Especially on the ticket sales. Sometimes (after and away match) there is no indication what my ticket sales are. Even tho Im away and dont get sales the number should be available somewhere.
Id have a column on the far right indicating avg to date of:
ticket sales
journey costs
player wages
scout wages
and physio.
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:49 am
by gyboth
*sigh* i'm going to announce a feature freeze for 1.7 (at least on my part; geovah or arnaudus are welcome to introduce new features for a while, if they like). i can't finish 1.9 if i implement new features in 1.7 (which will have to be debugged, too), and also try to fix the bugs in 1.7.
so any feature wish that gets accepted in the future, like this one (yes, i like it) won't be implemented in 1.7 but in 1.9 (and not necessarily in 1.9.0!).
doesn't mean you should stop putting forward nice new propositions, though
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:42 pm
by vector
of course,!
My features, bugs and thoughts are targeting the game itself, not what version or when they may be implemented
Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:20 pm
by lduperval
Furthermore, if I may be so bold, it would be nice to have columns: on the left, expenses and total, on the right, incomes and total and on the final line, the difference, either a profite or a (loss).
Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 10:25 am
by gyboth
lduperval wrote:Furthermore, if I may be so bold, it would be nice to have columns: on the left, expenses and total, on the right, incomes and total and on the final line, the difference, either a profite or a (loss).
you may
yes, a good idea. you already requested it earlier, but i forgot to move it to the forum todo list.
Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 4:17 am
by vector
the enlargment plan due date would be nice
same for when loan payments are due
and when i have been given a managers warning to get "positive" or get sacked.
I always forget how many weeks I have left in these cases
Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 8:21 am
by gyboth
vector wrote:and!!
the enlargment plan due date would be nice
same for when loan payments are due
and when i have been given a managers warning to get "positive" or get sacked.
I always forget how many weeks I have left in these cases
nice ideas, i'm going to add them to the todo list.
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 4:05 am
by vector
just reminding you of the above.
currently the finance is useable but it would be better with at least the transfers and improvements removed from the bi weekly ballance. I still have to do mental math to subtract transfers from the ongoing ballance. Transfers are a one off they should not appear on a bi weekly "how am i fairing" type report.
Of course this will now wait till 1.91
i suspect
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 10:42 am
by gyboth
vector wrote:Of course this will now wait till 1.91
i suspect
of course
Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 3:53 am
by vector
there maybe a bug in your FR now that the sponsor stuff is there.
Makes it time to revist and sort this that we have the TL sorted
the bug looks as if the physio is missing from the FR.
even if its 0 it should be indicated as such.
however i finally got an inj and played a few matches and still saw no physio costs ever come up.
time the FR got sorted. with sponsorship its now very hard to work out how your fairing bi weekly.
stadium and transfers should NOT be apart of the bi weekly balance.
so we should have
ticket income 200,000
sponsorhsip 150,000
wages -100,000
scout - 50,000
pyhsio -10,000
Travel exp - 7,000
totals 350,000 -167,000
bi weekly balance 183,000
Transfers -1,200,450
Stadium 0
Account bal etc
Drawing credit etc
the rest as you have it.. i would however add stadium avg attendance after stadium capacity just to complete the picture
Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 7:18 am
by gyboth
vector wrote:Makes it time to revist and sort this that we have the TL sorted
did you test the TL? since you're the one responsible for the changes, you're also responsible for finding the bugs
the bug looks as if the physio is missing from the FR.
even if its 0 it should be indicated as such.
however i finally got an inj and played a few matches and still saw no physio costs ever come up.
gonna check it.
time the FR got sorted. with sponsorship its now very hard to work out how your fairing bi weekly.
ok ok ok, i give in. i'm going to do it as soon as i'm done with the team def system.
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 4:08 pm
by gyboth
vector wrote:even if its 0 it should be indicated as such.
i disagree. if you have no injured players you pay nothing and the physio costs only take away some space in the finance view.
however i finally got an inj and played a few matches and still saw no physio costs ever come up.
dunno. i did the same and the physio costs appeared, all right.
time the FR got sorted. with sponsorship its now very hard to work out how your fairing bi weekly.
this is implemented now. stadium and transfers are separated from the rest and don't influence the balance.
i would however add stadium avg attendance after stadium capacity just to complete the picture
no. not everybody has a 1200x1600 resolution like you
besides, that's what the stadium window's for.
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 11:54 pm
by vector
it looks GREAT
did you test the TL? since you're the one responsible for the changes, you're also responsible for finding the bugs Wink
most of it but then I kept finding the finance report getting in the way. ie it was hard to keeptrack of things.. then I got busy at work
there does seem to be some things of concern but I havent nailed em down yet
even if its 0 it should be indicated as such.
i disagree. if you have no injured players you pay nothing and the physio costs only take away some space in the finance view. .....
no. not everybody has a 1200x1600 resolution like you Wink besides, that's what the stadium window's for.
aggh yes ok ill stand down on this one mind you im only running 1024x768
Im trying to get across how a manager would want to view things. Having spoken to my wife (accounts clerk) you have daily(not important here) weekly or bi weekly, these reports which are just scetchs of whats going on, a quick glimpse, then you have more detailed.
the main report (our FR page) should give a quck indication of the day to day important stuff. (
So whats important?
to me its
avg money coming in V avg money going out (am i saving or spending)
last balance v current balance (a quick indication of TL effects)
capacity v attendance (make sure there is room for the fans)
safety(warning. things may get ugly)
loan info(whats gonna bight me later)
sponsor info(I dont find this too important, i mean so it runs out! who cares its going to offer me a new one, there isnt much i can manage so im not interested)
Both the safety and attendance reports would trigger me to call up the stadium window to increase things, if required. Could you put them on the same line?
avg attendance 30,000 /capacity 35,000
having said all that .. its currently looking great.!! much easier to follow
Physio =0 no show
yep thats fine if we're having space problems collapsing non events is ok. My point was that the eye gets used to seeing things in certain spots on the page if the balance ends up in different spots for eg, it can be hard to use a quick glance.