game crashes at the beginning of joined leagues

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game crashes at the beginning of joined leagues

Post by zyrno »


I played and enjoyed your game for a long time now. Recently I tried to start a season in San Marino which has two joined league, but the game crashes, most of the times at the beginning or the season and sometimes just after one or two weeks. It seems to work as long as the next scheduled match is with a team in the same league. Choosing any team from "Gruppo A" the error message upon crash is something like:

Code: Select all

** (bygfoot:5666): WARNING **: team_get_league_rank: no rank found for team Folgore in league Campionato Gruppo B.
with the team name changing every time. The same things happens choosing a team from "Gruppo B" but in this case the the team in the error message is from "Gruppo A".
My system is Kubuntu 10.11 and I'm running the packaged version of the game for my system. I also tried to download the last CVS version and built it, but it crashes as well.

Thank you.
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Re: game crashes at the beginning of joined leagues

Post by gunnar »

deinstall the package download our latest unstable 2.3.2 debian package. Be sure to remove your ~/.bygfoot directory. If that doesn't resolve the problem, then something is still wrong with the san marino files. Let me know if this is the case so I can fix this.
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Re: game crashes at the beginning of joined leagues

Post by zyrno »

Thank you Gunnar. I followed your instructions, but the problem remains.
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Re: game crashes at the beginning of joined leagues

Post by gunnar »

Could you send me a savegame just before the error occurs? Then I can try to reproduce and fix the issue
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Joined: Mon Mar 05, 2012 3:30 am

Re: game crashes at the beginning of joined leagues

Post by zyrno »

Here it is.
(422.51 KiB) Downloaded 292 times
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