Wanting version 2.2.1 or 2.2.3

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Wanting version 2.2.1 or 2.2.3

Post by ursus_arctos »

Hello Gunnar

As a starter I tried to install 2.2.1 but what I got was this, (Can't install /home/Janne/Desktop/bygfoot-2.2-1.i586.rpm as no transaction). Perhaps I did it the wrong way but I downloaded the file and tried to install it by rightclicking on it and choose package installer, As needed I entered my root-password but got the message above, I know this is not exactly the forum for this but I kindly ask you anyway if you know what is wrong or what I did wrong. :?

I am not sure of if bygfoot is heading in the right direction. If for example you have gathered a healthy amount of money, why shouldn't one be able to by any player one can afford if one thinks it is wise to spend money on a few good players. Also with at least the present version you can first build up your stadium to get a decent economy and then you get the best youth coach, assign 25 % of your income to the YA. If you then have 22 players you can have a first team and a development team and now we are coming to the point. This system makes it possible for you to to build a real killer team. When your second team (development team) is so good that it is no longer possible to stay in NC you will at that point have a team that would do in PL. The reason for this is that you can, after a number of seasons, get players into the YA with an estimated skill of over 90. If you are a bit clever you can stay quite a few seasons in NC. I found this a bit booring.

In 2.2.1 it is not quite the same, you can't get new youngsters with that high estimated skill level so even if you try to hang on to NC as long as possible you will not by far have with the same strength as you can have in 2.3.2 , Another thing i like with 2.2.1 is that you sometimes can get players into the academy that are so strong that they can go straight imto the first team, I think this is what also happens in reality that very young players develops early and fast.

Why do I have a feeling that we, or at least I :) , are way out of what should be discussed in HELP so I better stop now.

Edit Gunnar: This topic has been splitted of from http://bygfoot.sourceforge.net/forum/vi ... ?f=4&t=811
Have a good day, or better still, have the best ever
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Re: Wanting version 2.2.1 or 2.2.3

Post by gunnar »

ursus_arctos wrote: Why do I have a feeling that we, or at least I :) , are way out of what should be discussed in HELP so I better stop now.
Well, this is important info to me, I might have to move this conversation elsewhere though, but we'll see

What you are saying sounds weird to me as since in 2.3.0 we added:
  • fixed a problem with the Youth Academy preference
  • added player balking during transfers
  • added ticket prices for the stadium
  • added variable interest rate for loans
  • added automatic loan repayment
in 2.3.1 we added
  • added possibility for multiple tables in leagues (think apertura/clausura in south america)
  • added joined leagues feature (think conferences in US sports)
  • added variable round robins for cups and variable breaks between round robins
  • solved some minor bugs
  • added clicking in tables and fixtures mode (switches to the other view, respectively)
  • added new images for simulation
  • added newspaper feature
  • the country selection got some convenience updates
In 2.3.2 we added:
  • added more meaning to autosave filenames (user, country etc.)
  • added W-L-D and cup round robin rank info to the next opponent view
  • added possibility to edit player names in the second player list
  • foul probabilities in the live game are more sophisticated now
  • added a simple GUI for editing Bygfoot constants in the preferences (enabling users to fine tune the game)
  • there is an option to store the order of your team, this order will be restored after a match
None of this should cause the difference you describe between 2.2.1 and 2.3.2
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Re: Wanting version 2.2.1 or 2.2.3

Post by gunnar »

ursus_arctos wrote: I am not sure of if bygfoot is heading in the right direction. If for example you have gathered a healthy amount of money, why shouldn't one be able to by any player one can afford if one thinks it is wise to spend money on a few good players. Also with at least the present version you can first build up your stadium to get a decent economy and then you get the best youth coach, assign 25 % of your income to the YA. If you then have 22 players you can have a first team and a development team and now we are coming to the point. This system makes it possible for you to to build a real killer team. When your second team (development team) is so good that it is no longer possible to stay in NC you will at that point have a team that would do in PL. The reason for this is that you can, after a number of seasons, get players into the YA with an estimated skill of over 90. If you are a bit clever you can stay quite a few seasons in NC. I found this a bit booring.
This is something we tried to stop with player balking for example. But apparently the problem is bigger than that. On the other hand I never had this feeling in my Belgian competition which went on for 18 seasons. I found it very difficult to get decent players.
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Re: Wanting version 2.2.1 or 2.2.3

Post by ursus_arctos »

I am sorry :( , I didn't mean to be a winer. I know that you are working hard to make the game better and I am sure that a lot of users out there appreciate the development of the game. I myself though is not that interested in the stuff around but I will miss some of the features of 2.3.2 .

When it comes to the differences I wrote about, can it perhaps be changes in the constants-file that causes what IO experienced?

I have played quite a few seasons in both versions and what I wrote is what I have experienced.
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Re: Wanting version 2.2.1 or 2.2.3

Post by gunnar »

ursus_arctos wrote:I am sorry :( , I didn't mean to be a winer.
You're not. The fact that you can make a killer team in 2.3.2 is not intended and I'm trying to understand what makes it happen. Apart from the changes I list we changed most of the league definitions and it might be there that we did something wrong
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Re: Wanting version 2.2.1 or 2.2.3

Post by ursus_arctos »

You are quite correct in moving my thread since it went way out of line.

What I described in my post is my standard strategy though sometimes I play a series of seasons with just buying players just to have a change.
My most common strategy is that I strictly get players from YA wich actually builds quite a strong team provided you invest 25 % and have the best YA-coach. An important thing though is that you delay promotion for as long as possible. When my team is promoted to FL 1 I usually have a team that would be strong enough for PL. At that point I usually have at least 30.000.000 and then I buy players to create a team to win all the English cups in the same season which is my only goal, I am not interested in winning PL. After achieving my goal I hunt for the WORST team in the NC and apply for the job. By the way...it would be a nice feature to be able to offer your services to any team at any time.

By the way, do you have a notion what is causing my install problems.

No matter the version.........it is a fantastic game :D
Have a good day, or better still, have the best ever
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