When I try to install 2.3.2 in FEDORA 11 X86_64 the system says that gtk+ and glib is missing.
I have tried to install everything concerning gtk+ and glib I could get my "hands" on but to no avail, the system just keeps nagging about gtk+ and glib. What is there to do?
Have a good day, or better still, have the best ever
I managed to get hold of gtk+ - 2.6.10.tar.bz2 and glib - 2.6.6.tar.bz2 but donẗ know
what to do with them hence I am not so good at Linux yet. I run Fedora 11 x86_64
and I am only familiar with rpm-packages. I did only find the packages in question
in the tar.bz2 format.
Do you have a soloution
Have a good day, or better still, have the best ever
I'm not good with fedora either, but could you try running "yum install gtk2" from the command line and report back with the response of yum to ronald[at]bygfoot[dot]com please, Thanks
I am sorry to be late with my reply but I have been out in the wilderness, with other words I have not had access to Internet. There will also be another delay since I have not access to the computer in question. I will set up a system on a computer here in Thailand but that will take a few days due to various issues.
I¨ll be back
Have a good day, or better still, have the best ever
ursus_arctos wrote:I am sorry to be late with my reply but I have been out in the wilderness, with other words I have not had access to Internet. There will also be another delay since I have not access to the computer in question. I will set up a system on a computer here in Thailand but that will take a few days due to various issues.
I¨ll be back
No problem, take your time. I hope you're in Thailand for fun (and that you are indeed having fun )
I have set up Fedora 12 i686 on a computer ( I know that when this thread started the flavour involved was x86_64 but i hope that does not matter)
Anyway I downloaded bygfoot from the repository and now it installed properly.
I think that wraps it all up, doesn't it?
Thank you for you helping me out in this matter
ursus arctos
Have a good day, or better still, have the best ever