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Recommend an app for editing definition files

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 7:11 am
by Jack of Shadows
I found that editing the definition files really didn't happen in Notepad, although I was certain I could do it.

Since then I've been experimenting with xmlNotepad from MS, Serna-4.1.0 and Xpad (which turns out to be a slightly different version of notepad really). I also downloaded the Windows version of Emacs but I couldn't get it to work (lack of knowledge bigtime!).

So the big question is - which software package is recommended to edit the definition files?

It has to be: easy to use - for complete beginners; look like the definition file while editing (so I don't get lost); not add anything extra just because it the app "thinks" it needs it; not require style definitions to work; but most importantly it has to be free!

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 6:53 pm
by gyboth
Hm.. I didn't have any trouble with Emacs for Windows, it was just download and run, w/o even installing.

I also like UltraEdit for Windows, but that one's not free. I can send it to you if you give me your email address (mine is gyboth bygfoot com).