i'm not a good programmer, but the problem shoud be in the following code-part of the "game.c"-file:
Code: Select all
void game_assign_attendance(Fixture *fix)
max_att =
MIN((gint) rint( (gfloat)league_cup_average_capacity (tm[0]->clid) *
const_float("float_game_stadium_attendance_average_exceed_factor") *
math_rnd(0.9, 1.1)),tm[0]->stadium.capacity);
In Teams with 2 human-controlled Teams max_att are lower than 0
i have made a little, but too simple bugfix:
Code: Select all
max_att = MIN(tm[0]->stadium.capacity * 0.8 * const_float("float_game_stadium_attendance_average_exceed_factor") *
math_rnd(0.9, 1.1),
after the game the cash of the home-team are -23434544

i played with the version 2.3.1.