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Training Camp Crash

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 5:35 pm
by smussman

I've played Bygfoot in the past and really liked it. So I downloaded and compiled the latest version (2.3.0) on my Ubuntu 8.10 laptop. The game works except for one thing. When I try to send my players to a training camp (Team->Training Camp) or change my preferences (Options->Preferences), Bygfoot crashes with the following message on the command line:

** (bygfoot:11572): WARNING **: option_int: option named int_opt_user_training_camp_hotel not found
Maybe you should delete the .bygfoot directory from your home dir

I've tried doing:
sudo make uninstall
rm -rf ~/.bygfoot
sudo make install

But that didn't help.
The funny thing is that my bygfoot_user.conf (in ~/.bygfoot) has the int_opt_user_training_camp_hotel set to 5.

You can see my bygfoot.conf file at
and my bygfoot_user.conf file at

I can give you a savegame if that helps as well.


Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 6:28 pm
by gyboth
A savegame would be helpful, yeah. Send to gyboth bygfoot com.