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[done]Round scout's proposal for transfer fees and wages

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 1:48 pm
by arnaudus
When proposing a transfer, we have to decide how much money we want to spend on transfer fees, and to make a proposal for the wage of the player. Default proposals from our scout pre-fill the form.

However, these default proposals are in general difficult to read, because the scout just throws a number, like 1524371, probably from complicated calculation + random number generator. I wonder if this really makes sense. I would prefer the scout to give an order of magnitude, rather than a precise number like that. I would expect wages to be rounded up to the 100 (for instance, wage can be 13200, not 13176), and transfer fees at least to the 1000. Perhaps keeping 3 digits before the 0s is enough, and more flexible given the order of magnitude change between e.g. 3rd Belgian league and English 1st league.

Another situation where I would prefer rounded numbers is when proposing a new contract. Could you really imagine sitting in front of your player and telling him: "I propose you a salary of 15323"?

There are (at least) three good reasons behind this apparently cosmetic feature.
(i) The first one is that someone who likes to really control how money is spend will want to compare the salaries of the players e.g. according to their skill. And this is very difficult if wages are random numbers, so I systematically round up the scout's proposal "by hand", both for new contracts and transfers. Having this done automatically would save me some time and energy.
(ii) Bygfoot is a game that is supposed to be intuitive. Rounding up scout's proposals is likely to improve the intuition of a new player about how to negotiate contracts. Imagine it is the first time you play. Your scout proposes 12342, and this is not enough. You know you need to increase this number, but how much? Is 12345 a reasonable proposal? 12350? 12400? 15000? Having 12300 as a default setting would help a lot: you know that it is ridiculous to propose 12301, you have to jump to 12400 at least.
(iii) This could even lead to the use of these small arrows in the text box: clicking 3 times to increase from 12300 to 12600 would save time compared to click in the box, type 12600 on the keyboard... and cry because you've entered 126000 ! :-)

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 3:28 pm
by gyboth
Interesting you have this gripe because as far as I can see the values are rounded to 100 currently. You're right concerning the rest, though, so I changed the rounding to 1000 for the fee and the step size to 100/1000 and 10/100 (left and right click, respectively; you know you can right click on the spinbutton arrows to get a different leap, right?).

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 3:45 pm
by arnaudus
gyboth wrote:you know you can right click on the spinbutton arrows to get a different leap, right?).
What a cryptic feature! :-D No I did not know.

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 6:04 pm
by gyboth
Not that cryptic, it's a standard property of GTK spinbuttons, so it's not exactly a Bygfoot feature. How you configure it, is up to you (the UI builder), of course.