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A lot of cards in games.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 2:39 pm
by idcarlos

I the 5 week y have 3 players with red cars, and in the last game 4 players have yellow cards.

Setting boost on have impact in red and yellow cards but I don't use it.

Any other thing that affect in the cards or it's only bad luck?

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 2:50 pm
by idcarlos
In the new play, more cards. One red and one yellow.
I haven't players :x

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 8:30 am
by atd
How fit are your players? If it is under 70% the player will get faster injured and get more cards.

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 10:28 pm
by idcarlos
Maybe it's only bad luck, in the next game, no players fired.
I never play with a 70% payers... its dangerous.