here are my objections:
1. i don't know how to program graphics, have no idea about sdl.
2. even if i did have an idea, it'd be very hard to do the highlights in a way that it doesn't get boring and repetitive (i remember quite a few times when i played a manager and turned off stuff like this very quickly).
3. generally, Bygfoot is designed more for the brain (or tries to be) than for the eye.
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byboth wrote:1. i don't know how to program graphics, have no idea about sdl.
Well... part of the 'dreamy plan' was that ETW does the graphics for you, you just somehow reuse it.
byboth wrote:even if i did have an idea, it'd be very hard to do the highlights in a way that it doesn't get boring and repetitive (i remember quite a few times when i played a manager and turned off stuff like this very quickly).
Indeed. There are few ways around this really, other than simulating the match off-screen and picking the best moments (CPU expensive?).
Another somehow similar idea (maybe more Bygfootish): have a newspaper article with match highlights. Imagine something like that:
User Team defeats league leader!
9 768 fans gathered to see the game User Team - VeryStrongTeam. Everybody expected VeryStrongTeam to win and bookies offered as much as 7:1 for home team's win.
VeryStrongTeam opened the score with early goal by Attackson. A few minutes later Goalson from VeryStrongTeam was sent off for deliberate foul. Just before the half time, User Team got an equalizer after a header from Headsen.
Just after the break VeryStrongTeam's defender knocked Goalson in the penalty box. Penalty was converted by Penaltier. Despite further efforts, VeryGoodTeam wasn't able to equalize, User Team won the match 2:1.
Of course, newspaper article will be XML-based, with syntax similar to livegame XML.
the newspaper idea is in fact on my internal todo list (i just forgot to add it to the external one here ). but i imagined shortish articles about events NOT related to the user team (or not specifically, ie. no distinction between user team and other teams). i mean, most users watch the live game anyway, and if they don't, they can watch the replay with verbosity=2 or 3 and get more or less what's in your article.
i rather imagined the game collecting extraordinary events, like very high scores ('team a beats team b 5:1'), or cup finals ('team a wins the fa cup final in a tight match against team b 2:1 e.t.'), or league events ('last chance to get promoted slips away for team a as they lose 1:2 at team b').
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But, I think "media" is really missing to BygFoot...
Media means :
- image : image of cup won by the team. So we can have a cup gallery in bygfoot showing all cup already won by the current team.
If we talk about media, what do you think about sound support? For example, invoking random "Gooooaaall!!!!" when goal is scored, or "Buuuuuuu" if someone misses penalty?
yeah, gstreamer looks nice and is glib-related, which is a good thing.
i've realised, btw, that souds like 'gooooal!' wouldn't be very sensible since they are language-dependent. we'd need sounds that are language-independent, so just a big cheer for goals, for instance.
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and before we continue dreaming and planning, let me stress again that i won't be the one collecting or creating sound files and video (as you might have observed, i'm not the right guy for arts).
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