so, what have i been up to the last days? michal (alefzero) kept complaining that the game is too easy, and he also told us why:
and,alefzero wrote:It seems that older (~28 years) players with very large skill and talent difference are too good to buy. They are cheap and they advance much too fast. I will suggest just not to generated such players (it seems improbably to improve from 30 to 50 in such age).
I believe the large changes in player skill are what makes the game so easy to win.
now, i don't want the game to be too easy, of course. and i've got to admit that the above example of a fairly mature player with the given talent/skill values IS unrealistic. so i rewrote the skill/talent system. now it works like this:alefzero also wrote: Make players more stable, that is, significant changes can occur only in large span of time (let's say 5 years), unless player is very young. So, players such as Sk=30, Age=27, Tal=70 should be excluded. Some estimation would be to limit Talent to be Skill * 1.1 ^ (MaxPeekAge - Age). 20 years old player, can than achieve 2.6 x Skill in 10 years. On the other hand, he will not improve more than 10% of his skill in a year.
- at generation, the players get a peak age value, a peak region value, an age value, and a talent value. the meaning of each is:
- peak age: the age 'around' which the player reaches his best performance (highest skill)
- peak region: the number of years before and after the peak age the player can hold his performance. this is a kind of skill plateau during which there are only slight random changes in skill
- age: the player's age at generation time.
- talent: the player's talent at generation time.
after these four values -- peak age, peak region, age, talent -- are assigned, the player's skill gets calculated depending on his age relative to his peak 'plateau' and his talent. if he's very young, his skill gets reduced, if he's very old, the same. if he happens to be in his prime, his skill is his talent value.
since the reduction depends very clearly and exactly on his age and talent, improbable combinations like the one alefzero mentioned cannot occur. - now, during the game, the players get older and develop, just like until now. but their skill develops the same way as during the skill reduction at generation (only the other way round). this ensures that the whole thing is consistent.
- because of these changes, i had to replace the 'average_skill' parts in every league definition with 'average_talent' parts.
i've cvs'ed the changes, you're all welcome to test the new system and give feedback. (i guess i should write a 'how to get a CVS version' soon

the next thing i'm hoping to add are hot and cold streaks for players.