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live game speed

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 2:28 pm
by Guest
Not sure whether this is a bug in the game so much as the documentation, but anyway.

In the live game mode in version 1.9 the 'speed' option operates in the opposite sense to what might be expected, a lower (or negative) speed is faster.

I couldn't find any obvious reference to this in the documentation, so either it needs to be mentioned somewhere, or else the sign on the speed counter should be inverted.

Re: live game speed

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 8:08 pm
by gyboth
Anonymous wrote:Not sure whether this is a bug in the game so much as the documentation, but anyway.
it's the way it is because of internal reasons. for the 1.9 branch there isn't any 'normal' documentation except for a few howtos, but do you really think documentation would be needed here? don't tell me you didn't get used to it after 3 or 4 live games ;-)

you're right, however, it is a bit counterintuitive, so i'm going to change the sign.


Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 9:00 pm
by AlefZero
Adding some value to make it 0-<something> may be even easier.

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 11:21 am
by gyboth
AlefZero wrote:Adding some value to make it 0-<something> may be even easier.
:arrow: this is implemented in the cvs now. the range is 0-40, default is 20, giving a sleep time of 1.75 seconds between live game events.
