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E-mail client
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 8:29 am
by atd
Here are I'm again
What e-mail client do you use?
I use Mozilla Thunderbird
Sorry for the less e-mail clients I now
gyboth: don't worry, i've added a few more.
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 9:47 am
by gyboth
i used to use pine, which is a console client. it's fast and easy to use, but ultimately it's a bit boring without graphics.
then i switched to kmail, which is a typical kde program (although it works with other windowmanagers, too, as long as one has the kdelibs stuff installed): nice graphics, easy to use and configure, but bloated and SLOW (i wonder whether these attributes apply to mozilla as well, never tried it).
now i use sylpheed, which is graphical but isn't as stylish as kmail; on the other hand it's fast and powerful (unfortunately the gtk2-version got a bit slower compared to the gtk1-version, but i guess that's just the way it is
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 9:56 am
by atd
Do you have tried Thunderbird?
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 10:18 am
by gyboth
atd wrote:Do you have tried Thunderbird?
no. i heard it's outlook-like, and i don't like outlook. is it slow and bloated? (the question is, can you really judge whether it's slow if you've got a 4Ghz CPU?
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 10:45 am
by atd
gyboth wrote:atd wrote:Do you have tried Thunderbird?
no. i heard it's outlook-like, and i don't like outlook. is it slow and bloated?
I think it isn't more outlook-like than Sylpheed (I just tried it), but I'm not an outlook expert
Thunderbird is a bit slow but maybe not on your 4Ghz CPU.
qyboth wrote:the question is, can you really judge whether it's slow if you've got a 4Ghz CPU?
I (and my brother) have just a 1 Ghz CPU
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 10:53 am
by gyboth
atd wrote:Thunderbird is a bit slow but maybe not on your 4Ghz CPU.
qyboth wrote:the question is, can you really judge whether it's slow if you've got a 4Ghz CPU?
I (and my brother) have just a 1 Ghz CPU
see, if it's a bit slow on your 1Ghz CPU, it'll be crawling on the 333 MHz CPU i'm forced to use currently. at home i have a 2GHz, but i think i'm going to stick with sylpheed
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:23 am
by T!M
i use thunderbird
Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 8:27 am
by geri
At the moment I use Thunderbird. It´s not at all otlook-like, i should remark if you don´t mind. The only outlook-like email client i know working on linux is evolution. I never liked it. Well, in fact there are very few email clients i really liked when i was trying (This includes Sylpheed too). I have used mutt for a quite long time and i am seriously attempted to switch back to it. ´Couse all mail clients suck! Mutt just sucks a little bit less.