latest cvs killed saved game

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latest cvs killed saved game

Post by vector »

I guess there is no solution to this as we ever improve bygfoot and leave old systems behind.

however the latest cvs is unable to load a previously saved game. As i was enjoying this game i would like to continue it if poss.
the error message is

Code: Select all

** (bygfoot:16347): WARNING **: Could not open file 'peter_S5_FL1_W1___settings' in mode 'r'.
is there a work around?
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Post by gyboth »

unfortunately not, there are new things that are saved and loaded. or maybe... download this file and add it to your savegame archive. maybe it works. maybe not.

of course you got to remove the txt extension.

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Post by atd »

Have you noticed your file is empty?
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Post by gyboth »

atd wrote:Have you noticed your file is empty?

can't re-post it now, so vector, try it this way: start a new game and save. then extract the PREFIX___settings file from the save archive and add it to your old savegame archive. then try to load your old save.

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