I find the current deadline implementation a bit annoying
If I place a bid on a player the week before the deadline, I am told that my offer will be considered next week. Well, that's great. They can consider all they like; I won't be able to buy!
Ideally, on the week before the deadline, all players except those with outstanding business (buy/sell offers) should be removed from the list. As soon as players have no outstanding business (buy/sell rejected), they also should be removed.
At least, the week number of the transfer deadline should be available to the user so that they can plan ahead a bit and not have to rely on guesswork, experience or calculation.
Better transfer deadline implementation
you're right, it'd be nice to have such flexibility. i've added now that the deadline is shown a few seconds after you clicked on transfer list. the rest would be a good excercise for you to get to know the code even better just a thought...
i'm quite busy currently, and when i do something Bygfoot-related i work on the commentary stuff.
i'm quite busy currently, and when i do something Bygfoot-related i work on the commentary stuff.
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