transfer negotiation

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transfer negotiation

Post by don »

When making an offer for a player on the transfer list, and the player or team wants more money, it would be nice if they asked for more money and you could accept or meet them half way or withdraw your offer. I mean like a pop up window saying player wants this much as a pay and then the possibility to change your offer or to reject.

Another nice feature would be if your scout would give you advice if they think the team/player you are negotating with are bluffing or is worth the extra money they ask for. Of course, the trustworthyness of the advice would be related to how good a scout you have. For instance the scout could know that the player is desperate to move so that when asking for extra money the player probably will accept anyway if you offer the same pay again.

Another nice feature would be if the scout also was able to find players that were not happy with their club or players who does not want to renew their contract with their team. This way there would be two categories of players that the scout shows as options to buy; players on the transfer list and players that should be easy targets even though they are still under contract. Again, how good this list is depends on the ability of the scout. There should be some difference between making an offer for a player on the transfer list and that is under contract, like transfer list can be bought the same week while not on transfer list takes a week to set up meeting.

A last comment; a new player that has already played for their old team in a cup are usually not allowed to play for the new team in the same cup. If this is implemented there should be a warning when buying the player, and of course the program has to check that the new player is not in the team that play that seasons cup.
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Post by vector »

Hi don
thanks for the ideas and comments. the TL has been under some changes lately.
When making an offer for a player on the transfer list, and the player or team wants more money
etc etc..
this has been debated b4. the idea of making the user wait the week and go thru the current system is to make it a little more realistic..(allthough we havent coded in the current wave of european player/manager pilfering) :) .
As a user youd love to know what the team/player wanted. but of course theyd always like more so its a to and fro thing. If you as a user really want the player you have to add your 5% up and just take it on the chin.
Part of playing bygfoot is learning the subtleties and ways around the problem. Just like dealing with real life situations.

Another nice feature would be if your scout would give you advice if they think the team/player you are negotating with are bluffing
does he know? does anyone know if the player is going to work out? some players in real life never reach their eval. same here. I have, on occasion bought a player that never really got to his level or some are slower at getting to theirs. there are various reasons for this ..some youll learn on the way. At times you will have to cut your losses etc..this is what gives the game some spice. Its like saying I dont want any injuries. sure it would be easier if you didnt have any injuries (and Im sure they always come at the worst moment) but thats what makes a good manager.

This is sliding of the track a bit but its how you view the game. Is a successful manager one with a great winning team or one that has managed threu all kinds of turmoil to keep his team from being relegated? the answer is both.

Another nice feature would be if the scout also was able to find players that were not happy with their club or players who does not want to renew their contract with their team.
a sortof no fee transfer list? i believe this was mentioned once b4 maybe the old forum.. I thank you for reminding us.

I think your getting at a point which may best be described as (i want more players on the TL list) I know having played many times that I just wish there were more on the TL sometimes but again on occasion i have had to wait almost a whole season to get a certain player. "surviving" thru this period again means we are good managers.

we did have the ability to make an offer on any player in the league( 1v8 ) but the cost was very high and thus no one used it.

A last comment; a new player that has already played for their old team in a cup are usually not allowed to play for the new team in the same cup. If this is implemented there should be a warning when buying the player,
this is a minor detail and probably beyond the scope of such a simple game.

There are many games out there that have more "depth" more things to fiddle with and such but bygfoot is intended to be simple and quick and easy to play.

the old if you leave everything as default, it should still run, still work still give fun. we have left some fiddle factors in for those who just have to fiddle. :)

be prolific !! I often will have 2-3 offers on and a few players of mine on the TL just waiting for that "golden child". this way I tend to be in front of the situation and not suddenly caught by it. I once sold a goalie b4 i bought one. the purchase fell thru and not only was i rejected but the goalie was taken off the TL..this happens sometimes.. i was stuck it was 5 weeks b4 the close of the TL.. and no goalie came up.. from being in a spot to maybe get promoted, the rest of the season was instead spent just keeping myself mid table with only one goalie. :cry:
"There are two ways to score. Dribble it over the line or smash it into the back of the net."
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Post by don »

I was thinking that if you want a player in the real leagues you would have a meeting if the player/team was interested in selling. If the player is on the transfer list the meeting would most certainly happen. At the meeting would be representatives for the managers, the laywers, financial consultants etc. The people on your team would check the other teams finances and if you have a good scout they would listen to the gosip and talk to people with inside information.

So before the meeting you would give an offer, the player/team would think about the offer and then make extra demands etc. In the meeting you would then try to meet them half way or play hardball or have some other tactic.

Of course, bygfoot shouldn't become to complilcated, but some pop up window with some give and take would make it a bit more realistic. And any advice from the scout would then be like the advice from the people you bring to such a meeting. (Like "Scout comment: Other team is short of money".)

I saw that in 1.9.0 when negotation renewal of contract with one of your players you are given three chances to make an offer. Something like that is what I was thinking about when making an offer for another player.

Bosman transfer

Post by don »

Another thing that could be implemented is a Bosman transfer. The player gets a lump of money and then agrees *not* to renew a contract and to join your team when the contract expires. Usually, the other team will then try to negotitate with the team that has a deal with the Bosman player to pay a smaller sum to get the player released early.
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Post by gyboth »

sorry, don, i'm not planning to make (major) changes to the transfer system currently.

also, your suggestions are single-player motivated and ignore completely that 1.9.0 features hotseat multiplayer. making transfers isn't as straight-forward as it was in 1.8. how should we determine
which of the users is allowed to negotiate first if both are interested in the same player?

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Post by don »

I guess the one with the highest offer gets to negotiate first in a multiplayer game. And if they have the exact same offer, the team in the higher league or highest on the table would be most attractive.

I don't think it should be too hard to make it acceptable for a multiplayer game. Another thing is of course how much work it is for you to program :roll:. I should try to learn to program myself :oops: .

I think the transfer system is not the best at the moment though, since you have to wait one week to get an answer and then another week to make a better offer.
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Post by gyboth »

don wrote:I think the transfer system is not the best at the moment though, since you have to wait one week to get an answer and then another week to make a better offer.
this is exactly because of multiplayer. but i suggest you read this post first before i begin to repeat myself :roll: no offense.

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