- The instructions on how to manage translations (gettext, po files etc.) can be found here. The instructions are originally written for the 1.8 branch, but all of the steps apply also to the current situation (i've also added some notes on 1.9)
- A list of strings that are too short to know what they mean is explained here
- finally, you can get the pot file for 1.9 here
because of this, i've decided to set a deadline for 1.9.0 translations. i'm going to release 1.9.0 on June 18 (unless serious bugs or other difficulties emerge). the translations that are finished until then will get included, the unfinished ones won't. i think 3 1/2 weeks should suffice for translating 600 strings.
however, 1.9.0 is only a development version. if a translator can't make it until the deadline, it doesn't mean his translation can't be added to a later version. i'm expecting to release a lot of 1.9.x versions before 2.0, and any of them can contain new translations that didn't make the deadline.
if questions arise during translation, that aren't answered in the list of weird strings, you can post in this forum or write me an email.
if you'd like to translate Bygfoot, please announce it here or write me an email so that we don't have two people doing the same work.
thanks for your work and happy translating
