I'm not sure what real life laws on bankruptcy are, but that's irrelevent, this isn't real life. Here is my idea:
When under an obviously overwhelming debt, how about the possibility of declaring bankruptcy. what could that entail? No interest on debt will be charged as long as players with equal or greater values to that debt are for sale. When offers are made for those players, they must be accepted, and players could not be removed from the sales list. Thus, you can get out of debt by selling off players...as the game is currently set up, you have to wait for offers for so long, that the interest becomes overwhelming.
An alternative is that interest keeps accumulating, but players are automatically sold the first week after being put for sale for 10% less than their real value.
Things that occur to me as possiblities:
Expenses like player salaries would continue to exist.
During the last several weeks when player sales aren't allowed, it could be set up that they could not be sold, but that at the start of the following year they would be for sale...good teams would get the chance to make some prize money, but would still be forced to sell the players on the list per the terms of bankruptcy.
So, that is the basic idea...the main thing is that a bankruptcy mode would be cool to add, the details of that mode might be different than my idea.
Bankruptcy mode
a nice idea. the question is, would bankruptcy mode help you? say, 3 or 4 players get sold and you have just enough money to survive a few weeks more, how do you want to survive in the long run with only 11 or 12 players? you'll keep having injured players because you can't rotate enough, so you'll have physio costs, lose your matches and so on.
thus, in my opinion such a mode wouldn't really remedy your situation. maybe a clean dismissal is better, after all.
thus, in my opinion such a mode wouldn't really remedy your situation. maybe a clean dismissal is better, after all.
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I tend to agree, this goes back to what the game is. Is it Football Team or Football manager. ie are you trying to keep a team a float or a manager.thus, in my opinion such a mode wouldn't really remedy your situation. maybe a clean dismissal is better, after all.
kingduct, I like you become rather attached to my team and sometimes just want to keep it going as a loyal servant..but the game is about Management not teams.. if you get into the state you mentioned, ermm you arnt good, you have lost the game, end of story.
But its ok you can start again
"There are two ways to score. Dribble it over the line or smash it into the back of the net."
What type are you?
What type are you?
Reasonable responses
I think both have reasonable responses. Since I am no longer a total beginner at the game, I can see why you feel that way. That said, I was imagining circumstances in which for instance, one has purchased up to 18-20 players. Let's say that a few are very expensive and that the debt is a few million. It could be paid off, the team could have 15 players, and it would likely drop a division. Nevertheless, I would imagine that there would at least be the possibility of short term survival in a lower division and slow recuperation of the club.
Furthermore, I had always assumed that a smart manager would sell off the expensive players in the bankruptcy mode, and that after getting out of bankruptcy would either sell another expensive player or would take out a small loan (hopefully something more manageable) in order to buy crappy cheap players and avoid the injury issue. These seem to be relatively realistic scenarios.
All that said, I am now better at the game and find myself basically able to avoid the whole situation. But that wasn't the case a couple of weeks ago when I was sad that it was impossible for me to sell off good players and replace them with crappy ones. Anyway, if I'm the only one making the feature request, it obviously doesn't deserve high priority .
Furthermore, I had always assumed that a smart manager would sell off the expensive players in the bankruptcy mode, and that after getting out of bankruptcy would either sell another expensive player or would take out a small loan (hopefully something more manageable) in order to buy crappy cheap players and avoid the injury issue. These seem to be relatively realistic scenarios.
All that said, I am now better at the game and find myself basically able to avoid the whole situation. But that wasn't the case a couple of weeks ago when I was sad that it was impossible for me to sell off good players and replace them with crappy ones. Anyway, if I'm the only one making the feature request, it obviously doesn't deserve high priority .