Bygfoot 2.3.5 is released

The developers will post here to let you peek into future versions and announce new releases.

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Re: Bygfoot 2.3.5 is released

Post by will_the_canuck »

tstellar wrote:
> I've tagged the 2.3.5 release on gitlab. You can find the sources and pre-built binaries on the [url=]release page[/url]. No major changes, just a few bug fixes.

Hello tstellar.

I do have an honest question about updating/upgrading from a lower version to a latest version, like version 2.3.5 which you mention here. As I have used the Ubuntu Software Repository to install bygfoot version 2.3.2, what will happen or what takes place when installing a version that you are creating? As we know, bygfoot is installed in two different areas: (1) the directory of /usr/share/games which the program and definitions / images / etc. are installed; and (2) the user's home directory with a dot directory filename, like .bygfoot-2.3.2, which contains a copy of the definitions that can be used to play with. As the program is installed in the /usr/share/games/ directory, that is basically the permanent copy of the program, definitions, and images, as well as anything else used for the game. The directory in the user's home directory is in some ways, temporary.

So with that said, I'd assume that installing a version of bygfoot that you created will overwrite what is in the /usr/share/games directory and then create a new directory in the user's home directory, likely bygfoot-2.3.5. Is that correct? Or likely delete the contents of /usr/share/games/bygfoot and then install the newer version. Would that be accurate? If the installation file does not touch the user's directory of .bygfoot-2.3.2, that would be good to know as sometimes some users may have different definitions in their directories that aren't part of the original installation, and they may only have the one copy. Or might there be a better way to install your version? Maybe uninstall the old version first and then install the new version? Just asking.

Other than that, I'm just curious what will happen. With the speed improvements you mention, I'd be curious to see how it plays and anything that can speed up playing a very large definition will definitely be an improvement. Also, I'd be curious to see what corner kicks look like in the game as they were supposedly implemented in version 2.3.3 by the original programmers before it was left unfinished.

Will aka will_the_canuck
Posts: 10
Joined: Mon Sep 16, 2019 10:22 am

Re: Bygfoot 2.3.5 is released

Post by David »

You can use the two versions at the same time completely without worrying.The old version has a catalog /home/user/.bygfoot-2.3.2, and the new /home/user/.bygfoot without version number.
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