New Feature: Weekly budget estimate
New Feature: Weekly budget estimate
I just pushed to gitlab a new feature on the finance page that shows the weekly estimated budget for your team. I thought it would be useful to be able to see the current player salaries all the time rather than having to wait until the bi-weekly budget update. It also helps when trying to sign contracts in the off-season, when players aren't being paid.
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Re: New Feature: Weekly budget estimate
I can see the benefit to this feature for the players, as they can see their estimated costs per week instead of having to wait until they actually play some games and then wait for the 2 weeks to pass, but I am curious about the time frame used for some of the estimated values. As the sponsorship and wages values are relatively simple, as they shouldn't change from week to week unless a new contract or player is renegotiated/added/removed, the other ones like ticket income and scout can differ from week to week. So with that in mind, how many weeks worth of values are you using to average out these estimated earnings and costs? Or how are you determining their worth?
Re: New Feature: Weekly budget estimate
The scout and youth coach are fixed costs, so those don't change every week unless you hire a better/worse one. The estimated ticket income is just (average attendance * ticket price ) / 2, since on average there is a home game every other week. It's not perfect, but it's good enough for planning.