1.9.0 stages

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1.9.0 stages

Post by gyboth »

this topic will be devoted to all kinds of development updates about 1.9.

first update: the fixtures display works now. i'm attaching a screenshot.

minor concern: the flags that contain white don't look good on the white background (e.g the english flag). i can think of two possible solutions:
  • change the background (e.g. to lightgrey, like on the left side in the screenshot)
  • make borders for the flags. this would be a task for vector, i guess.
i'd say the second possibility would look a bit better.

Fixtures display in the right treeview. Using the arrows one can change the week/week round and the league/cup.
Fixtures display in the right treeview. Using the arrows one can change the week/week round and the league/cup.
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Post by vector »

well it would be an easy task to put borders on them if you like. However Im not sure it would resolve teams like Germany who have the lighter colours in their flag...the yellow gets washed out too easily. A grey background..as shown would reslove this better than a border I think?
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Post by gyboth »

tables display works now, too.

here's a screenshot:
http://bygfoot.sourceforge.net/phpBB2/v ... .php?p=699

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Post by gyboth »

finances are more or less implemented. loans, stadium improvement and transfers are on the short-term todo list.

screenshot attached. a bit nicer than in 1.8.0, maybe; still not that sophisticated.

Finances overview. (In fact bi-weekly would be a better term, because the figures are updated every two weeks.)
Finances overview. (In fact bi-weekly would be a better term, because the figures are updated every two weeks.)
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Post by vector »

all working (after i did a clean cvs :) and looking good
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Post by gyboth »

stadium improvement is done. screenshot attached.

Stadium improvement window.
Stadium improvement window.
stadium.png (148.24 KiB) Viewed 5944 times
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Post by vector »

looks fantastic !!
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Post by gyboth »

transfers are implemented (with bugs, most probably).
no screenshot (looks more or less like in 1.8 ).

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Post by gyboth »

opponent info is implemented. game should run faster, too. next step: gui for the options.

Opponent info in the right treeview.
Opponent info in the right treeview.
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Post by vector »

./src/bygfoot Segmentation fault
clean cvs install
"There are two ways to score. Dribble it over the line or smash it into the back of the net."
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Post by gyboth »

vector wrote:erm
./src/bygfoot Segmentation fault
clean cvs install
:arrow: corrected (in fact already a couple of days ago :roll:)

some news:
  • average skill display in the teams list (team->browse teams)
  • defend/midfield/attack bars in the opponent preview (simple ascii) for your team and the opponent
  • implemented contract offers for your players
two screenshots attached.

The opponent info in the right treeview. The dark bars indicate the opponent's values, the green ones your values (maybe a lighter colour'd be better?).
The opponent info in the right treeview. The dark bars indicate the opponent's values, the green ones your values (maybe a lighter colour'd be better?).
opponent_info.jpg (19.18 KiB) Viewed 5912 times
Player contract offer. Note that the player demands less wage the longer the contract is (because it's an older player :-)).
Player contract offer. Note that the player demands less wage the longer the contract is (because it's an older player :-)).
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Post by gyboth »

some things that are now implemented:
  • user management (addition and removal of users)
  • match preview (like in 1.8, your matches in the weeks to follow)
  • list of all players in a league (player->browse players)
  • context menu for the player list
  • firing of players
  • the constants file can be reloaded now when the program's running (which means, it's fairly easy to try out new constants settings without having to restart)
next i'm going to implement load and save, maybe. it is rather early to do this, but since the engine is a lot slower than in 1.8 (because the match simulation is more realistic) it'd be rather painful to implement and test season end/season start functions without being able to save and load (i'd have to play a whole season).

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Post by vector »

wow kewl
il check this out as I can
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Post by gyboth »

load and save is implemented. i didn't do a lot of testing, so you might experience crashes; if you do, please file a bug report.

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Post by gyboth »

player info is implemented (ie. extended player information in the right treeview).

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