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cups and prize money

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 4:23 am
by vector
League cup prem division

I recall reading somewhere that you didnt issue prize money for winning cups?

I just won the league cup (Carling Cup :) and Im pretty sure got nothing for it.

This is a shame because I am a, battling mid table(prem div), recently promoted team. I used boost on most of my cup matches in an atttempt to get some funds from somewhere by winning the cup.

At the end of the season. unless your ontop of the league, or have best players..which is highly doubtfull being recently promoted and poor. you revieve nothing.
where's the incentive to win cups?!!!!!

True those who are on top no longer need more funds but for the battlers you need every drop of funds you can get.

this from the FA cup site. there is indeed monies payed to teams ... ts_2004_05

Im not sure what it is for the league

Re: cups and prize money

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 8:10 am
by gyboth
vector wrote:I recall reading somewhere that you didnt issue prize money for winning cups?
At the end of the season. unless your ontop of the league, or have best players..which is highly doubtfull being recently promoted and poor. you revieve nothing.
where's the incentive to win cups?!!!!!
do it for the fame. not the money ;-) in fact, cup matches mean additional ticket income (if you play at home, that is), so it does mean a bit more money. but i wouldn't like to pay rich teams even more money, and i wouldn't like to make special case checks to find out whether a winner is a poor team, either. but maybe we'll do something in 1.9.


Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 11:58 pm
by vector
dont clap just throw money :)

Here's what I think!! :)

Another $50,000 or so isnt going to make no difference to a rich team its nothing to them. But it could buy one more capacity increment for a poor team. In other words the prize money is nothing to a rich team but is a big thing to a poor team!!

To be honest anyone who is still playing bygfoot as a massive rich team at the top of the leagues wipeing out all opponents has missed the point. YOU WON, congrats, you have no where else to go!! now start a new game:)

1.9 features prize money for cups. Gets My vote !!

prize money for cups info @ ... PrizeMoney

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 7:13 pm
by gyboth
vector wrote:Another $50,000 or so isnt going to make no difference to a rich team its nothing to them. But it could buy one more capacity increment for a poor team. In other words the prize money is nothing to a rich team but is a big thing to a poor team!!
1.9 features prize money for cups. Gets My vote !!
all right all right. seems to make sense. gonna think about it for 1.9.
hey, that's nice of them. but of course these sums don't have a lot of meaning for Bygfoot.
