New version?

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New version?

Post by ursus_arctos »

Will there be a version 2.3.3 soon, I saw somewhere that it will have internal compression instead of the external that we have had so far.
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Re: New version?

Post by will_the_canuck »

ursus_arctos wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2019 2:29 pm Will there be a version 2.3.3 soon, I saw somewhere that it will have internal compression instead of the external that we have had so far.
Well, funny you should ask ursus_arctos. Although there has been some minor fixes from what I can tell over the years since version 2.3.2 has been released, according to the changelog file, version 2.3.2 has been out or available since 05 July 2009. When I look at the changelog file from the source code, I find the following tidbit:
01/06/2011: v2.3.3
- updated Brazilian Portuguese translation (thanks to Valdinei Martins)
- updated Chinese translation
- updated Dutch translation and news
- updated Italian translation, commentary and hints (thanks to Robesto Destrieri)
- added Italian news (thanks to Robesto Destrieri)
- repaired Danish news file (thanks to Joe Dalton)
- finished the default team implementation, you're now able to use a default
team without using the option to store/restore your default team after a match
- added Asian teams definitions : Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Korea,
Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Thailand,
United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan (thanks to Martins Valdinei)
- added North American teams definitions: Belize, Canada, Costa Rica, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico,
Trinidad & Tobago, USA (thanks to Martins Valdinei)
- updated Japan definitions (thanks to Martins Valdinei)
- updated Romanian translations and definitions
- updated Greek translations and commentaries (thanks to Ilias Makris)
- Changed the gui code (not visible, I hope)
- Implemented corners
- Fixed a Spectator Bug in Multiplayer-Games (thanks to rookie86)
- Added African definitions (thanks to Valdinei Martins)
- Added news and commentary files to the translated strings. Translators don't
have to change xml files anymore
- Add the boost and style settings to the default team (ticket 2778645 )
- Always show news after a match (Bug 3257236)
So that date related to version 2.3.3 would be 01 June 2011. Why it was never implemented, I don't know. Does this version work? I haven't a clue. But, if you wanted to try to compile it yourself and play with it, it is available to download and test out, if you're able. At least there are added definitions to try out, but likely of note some of the updates done since then to some country definitions would not be available in this version and would have to be downloaded and possibly adjusted to work with some of these definitions. I'm referring to the North American definitions which I did work on a little and posted under the "Definitions" section of the forum. But overall, it would give you something else to try, if wanted.

So ursus_arctos, and others who may ask, there is technically a new version to try but only if you're willing to download and compile the source. And you could be the beta testers for it, if you wanted. ;) I just wanted to bring this to your attention since you did ask but nothing seems to be for certain, and some work was being put into a new version but maybe not completed?

Take care for now,

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Re: New version?

Post by ursus_arctos »

Thank you for your reply, now I know what it is all about but I think I will stay with 2.3.2 for now. You know what Hamlet said:" Better stay with the ills we have than fly to others wich we know not of".

Have a fantastic day

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Re: New version?

Post by gunnar »

The reason that version never got released was because building on windows was a pain. Especially the mingw environment.
I lost my previous build env around 2010 and I got involved in our soccer team which took all my free time.

I'm slowly rewriting in java. So all these fixes should still be there in version 3.0.0
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Re: New version?

Post by ursus_arctos »

Sounds nice. By the way, is'nt Windows a pain in the neck?

P.S. What soccer team?

D.S. May we be able to play soccer again SOON!!!!!!!
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Re: New version?

Post by gunnar »

Yes it is a pain. I only use Windows to play games when necessary, but most play fine in Linux using wine.

I started as a trainer in our local team in Huldenberg (Belgium) when my son started playing when he was 5 (u6) now he's already 14 and I stopped as a trainer last year. In the mean time I took over the tournaments and started in the directors team. But I'm stopping all that this year.
I also organise an indoor soccer championship in or commune. So no time for bygfoot untill now.

In Belgium there won't be football anymore this year. At least not youth soccer. I'm not sure what we'll do for the indoor championship. Since there's nothing to win or lose we'll just play if we can.
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Re: New version?

Post by ursus_arctos »

Do you play any fotball yourself or do you just organize? I myself hadn't played football for years when I discovered that there is something called " walking football" wich actually is quite fun so at last I can play with the worlds most liked toy, the ball.

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Re: New version?

Post by gunnar »

Yes, I still play. In Belgium we play a version of futsal (indoor soccer) where you're not supposed to make contact. (While futsal is just miniature football with mostly the same rules, imagine sliding tackles indoor :twisted: )
The age range of players in our competition is between 14 and 64.
I'm 42 so I still have some time to go :D
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Re: New version?

Post by ursus_arctos » your quite young. I myself is in todays new "middle age". I am 73 and soon 74 wich means that i play in the 70 + class. My club has mens teams for 60 +, 70 + and also a ladies team for 50 +.

I must say that your flavour of futsal seems tempting.

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Re: New version?

Post by will_the_canuck »

gunnar wrote: Wed Apr 15, 2020 10:15 am The reason that version never got released was because building on windows was a pain. Especially the mingw environment.
I lost my previous build env around 2010 and I got involved in our soccer team which took all my free time.

I'm slowly rewriting in java. So all these fixes should still be there in version 3.0.0
gunnar, my biggest question is that although the version was never released, that being version 2.3.3, was it complete enough to work, if it was ever compiled? Was this version ever tested? I ask since if it was tested and could work out, why was it never released for linux or the Ubuntu repositories so that it could be downloaded by people to play? As for the windows version, it sounds like it would be a pain in the ass and all. :) Although I didn't look at the code itself, I did see that a zip file and unzip file were added to it that were different from the info-zip versions and that potentially it would be better than the info-zip versions??

One issue I had with the windows version that is currently available for download was that when I was creating my 2019 definitions for the USA, my large and fully blown version (version #1) which included promotion and relegation would not save properly with the current windows version but I do believe it would save properly with the linux version in ubuntu, that being version 2.3.2. I do believe that the zip and unzip files in ubuntu have been updated over time and with the current versions, they are a few updates higher than what is included with the windows version. So although you could play my 2019 definition updates for the USA, you wouldn't be able to save the game without likely crashing the game if I recall correctly.

And as for your new version 3.0.0, would that be available for both linux and perhaps windows? Like in the Ubuntu repositories too?

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Re: New version?

Post by gunnar »

Program wise, the only substantial change was that the zipping unzipping would work better in Windows, for Linux users, nothing would change. That;s not entirely true, but due to way Linux works, the command line tool used in Bygfoot worked without hitching on Linux.

The files that were added were found at Basically it enabled me to zip directly without using the external program, the commandline on windows is only allows little arguments.

The definitons and translation changes were not tested at all, and especially for the definitons, some just didn't work.

Better to never release that version.
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