A simpler wish than that for me would be sufficient, I'd simply be happy to see the live text commentary have two background colours, one for the home teams comments, and one for the away. I haven't been playing the game long so apologies for my ignorance if this is already supposed to be there and perhaps I'm missing something.
However I admit that at the moment I'm having difficulty following the action, knowing which team is generally in possession, which team is creating all the chances etc ...so anything to make that simpler for me would be of benefit right now!
Home/away colors should already be there. If not, it's probably because your GTK theme settings override the Bygfoot settings. You could try experimenting with either your theme or the two settings
mikekchar wrote:so, if this request isn't backed by other users or Gunnar doesn't take it up, it'll stay on the wishlist for now.
If I got some time (and I'm not saying I will -- depends on whether I can get some of my other projects done), can I send a patch? I don't know why, but for some reason I've gotten obsessed with this XD (My biggest worry is that I'd have to modify the save file, and I'm not sure I want to get into that...)
Sure, a patch would be welcome. As for save/load, I could take care of that; or, you can make it an experts-only feature by adding the relevant constants to bygfoot_constants and configuring it so that it's off by default.
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