CVS version now working ta, here are some thoughts.
Love it its starting to really come together.
The points below may just be parts you havent written yet, if so ignore them

The team auto sort is missing. I use this when i get myself in a muddle and end up with M in D and F in M and G in M positions. Its a nice function to just sort it out.
Player. show info. would be neat if the arrows cycled to the next/previous player in your team
Stadium report. If you click the X instead of close..ooh dear weve been here b4.. the game is no longer playable. the main window dose not recieve focus.
the new fixtures and tables next/previous arrows use is great and the displayed info looks neat.
Finance/stadium. this was mentioned in another post, I post my thoughts here. A simple compromise is required. The Financial statement as it is is great, better than 1.8 but should include :
loan interest (i think this could randomly wander a bit just to spice things up)
loan ballance
estimated stadium renovation completion date (if one is current)
current Safety level
However it is a statement.. ie not interactive as such. I can see no problem hitting ctrl +F to activate the stadium details
or ctrl+L? to get the loan details etc
I havnt looked at loans in 1.8 much but would it be an idea to allow the manager to partly pay a loan? rather than waiting to have all the funds and paying outright.
Well thats my 2c spent