version 5.0 ?vector wrote:I downloaded the bygfoot-update ontop of the current ver 5.0 that i had.

this isn't a problem, it doesn't affect anything.cvs checkout: warning: failed to open /home/mark/.cvspass for reading: No such file or directory
this worked? i thought one has to do a ./ followed by ./configure before one can make anything.I then make all-recursive
then make install(as root)
renamed .bygfoot
and ran bygfoot.
you could make a diff to compare the c files. but the cvs isn't very different compared to the official 1.7.3 release, because i've been working on 1.9 and didn't have the time to change a lot. i'm going to add geovah's patch soon, though, and there were also a couple of minor fixes i wanted to just not sure how to check if anything has changed?
Its coming up as 1.7.3 as expected.
but after looking thru various files I couldnt find a 'whats changed"
ChangeLog was still 11/23/2004: v1.7.3
hm.. i'm not sure i'm orderly enough do follow your exampleIn my code I have a little file called ver.c which is generally a bunch of notes I write to myself.
1) to remind me of what im working on
2) to use as a history when someone says ver 3.4 worked but 3.6 didnt. I check my ver (which has even the slightest changes noted) and realise that in 3.5 I did such n such which has made an effect elswhere.

erm... sorry but i didn't understand this. is it maybe ozzie-slang?Please excuse me as I get up to speed and we produce a system that I can target testing and report on changes.
