Ideas and Requests for version 2.4.x

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Ideas and Requests for version 2.4.x

Post by will_the_canuck »

Ok. As I posted about some bugs and issues that I came across in version 2.4.0-dev-97, I was also thinking of some things that would be nice to be added to 2.4.x so that it might better help us or such. Though my list was initially smaller than I thought, when I checked out some other posts from the "Discussions" area, I thought of a few to maybe ask for. So, here is the start of my ideas and requests to ask for for the latest version of bygfoot, if it is truly possible.

(1) When the match statistics are shown for a completed match, can the injuries and yellow or red cards be shown with the times that they were incurred, just like it is done with the goals scored? Though this might not be as helpful to the players that use or play the live game, this might be quite useful to the players that let the computer play the game for them, so as they can be better informed when things happen during the match. Also, as I was thinking about the players that receive red cards and are still active in the second half of the game, if someone is having the computer play the game, unless they check the last match out in detail, they may never realize it can happen. Once it shows up in the match statistics, then they can realize the issue. But beyond that, I do believe it would be a useful feature also.

(2) When you begin a new game, you can select the country from the respective regions to play in and then a respective team to play as. For whatever reason, "Europe" is first on the list and the only country available to select from that option is "England". Of course, "Europe" shows up again further down that list with the other available countries that are a part of Europe, but why is it like this is beyond me. Is it somehow hard coded to show up like this? Might it be best to not have it this way and let the countries be listed by the respective regions in alphabetical order and let Europe be whole instead of separated?

(3) One of the available options when starting a game is the region of "miscellaneous". Within it, there are 3 definitions that are for national teams (euro08, fifa, and wc06) and one definition for eu (which stands for European Union). When I just tried the eu definition, besides the UEFA Champions League and Europa League loading up when playing this definition, all the eu definition is is 27 teams playing a home and away with each other team and nothing more. Can I suggest that this definition be removed from bygfoot as what the purpose of it is, it likely is past its time.

Additionally, can I recommend that for the 3 definitions that are geared towards national teams that their region be renamed from "miscellaneous" to maybe "national_teams" or something like that? As well, as there is the "euro08" definition listed here, I did create an update to the European Championship, but when I look at the definitions, I used the <property> of "national" instead of "international" for the cup files. This might create an issue with the UEFA Champions League and Europa League files being activated. I can confirm that in version 2.4.0-dev-97, as I have the definition coded right now, the UEFA Champions League and Europa League do show up, even though the definition itself is for national teams. It is because I have the cups' <property> value of "national" instead of "international". I guess you could say that is another bug for version 2.4.0-dev-97. Ironically, when I tried the "euro08" definition, or at least loaded it up, the UEFA Champions League and Europa League also loaded up. So clearly that is a bug, which I didn't mention in my bugs list. Oh well.

(4) As UEFA has abolished the away goal rule for all UEFA club competitions, as mentioned here, it would be good if it can be removed but then allowed to be added via a cup property, just in case some other associations still use it. An example of a cup property would make use of the <property> tag in cup files.

(5) In addition to the away goal rule, if two teams in a two-legged cup match, or even a single-legged cup match, were tied after regulation time, within bygfoot, they'd likely play extra time for two more halves and then penalty kicks, if still needed. In reality, maybe only the finals of a cup competition or the finals and semi-finals might include extra time and if needed, penalty kicks. More often I believe it is just penalty kicks competitions are playing, at least in the lower rounds. So with this in mind, is it possible to have a default of penalty kicks after regulation and if the actual cup competition allows it, maybe at a particular round in the competition, extra time can be played before the penalty kicks? This could be achieved through the use of a cup round property tag or a cup property in general. Is that something that can be coded? Although for the average player, would it make a difference even though it would be for accuracy?

I guess with regards to UEFA Champions League, they are playing extra time and penalty kicks, if needed, from what I can see. Also, it does appear as if in England, the FA Cup is using extra time and also penalty kicks after the replay games if the score is still tied. So at least for Europe or some European teams, extra time and penalties are still being used. So whether this item is worthwhile or not, who knows as it could entail a bit more work for the definition maker, but for accuracy, that's a good question.

Well, although it can be hard to think of things to make the game better, and maybe stick with accuracy, this can be a start for now for things that I can think of to put on this list. Feel free to comment if you like. Take care for now,

Will aka will_the_canuck
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