my version of England 2023-2024 country definitions

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my version of England 2023-2024 country definitions

Post by will_the_canuck »

Hello all. Well, I'm finally done testing and checking the definitions I've been working on for a long enough time. As I've tested these definitions using bygfoot version 2.3.2, they work fine and should work without issue for you, as long as you're using an updated version of bygfoot or a linux version of 2.3.2. As I have previously posted a beta version of these definitions, that included the completed league files and promotional cup files but not the national cups, this version does now include the completed national cups that are to my liking. And of note, I saw that the beta version was downloaded 98 times. Damn, that is a lot. As this version is more complete, I wonder how it will be received. Hopefully well.

As the information was available to me, I did a definition that includes 9 tiers covering 35 different leagues and 731 teams. I used average talent values ranging from 8500 for tier 1, down to 1300 for tier 9. So if you are looking for a real challenge, you know where to start. :)

As for team names, I tried to anonymize them as best I could. I have included a team names.txt file within the zip file which lists all the team names used and also their respective real team names. It is formatted in comma limited format (csv) and can be opened up in a spreadsheet program quite easily, if wanted.

As the definitions only include information to play the definitions in a national setting, as in without international cups listed, it would be best to copy or backup your existing England definitions and then place these definitions in their place. If you have any international cups listed in your current England definitions, you can copy those references into the country_england.xml file, to allow those cups to be used with these definitions. If you are using a newer version of bygfoot where the international cups are loaded automatically and without the need to be listed in the country_sid.xml file, then you will not need to do anything more.

So besides the country definitions in the zip file, there is also the team names file, which was previously mentioned, as well as a readme file and a file that I used when making up the England definitions here. The team names file and the helper file are two files that I had previously posted when I posted my beta test definitions. As for the readme file, I would recommend reading it for more information.

I can't think of anything else at the moment to say so I'll say if you do download these definitions, I hope you can enjoy them. If you have any comments or feedback, feel free to post them here and I can read them when I see them. Good luck,

Will aka will_the_canuck
england 2023-24
definitions plus readme file, team names file, and information file used when creating definitions
(57.74 KiB) Downloaded 13 times
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