Game window close suddenly

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Game window close suddenly

Post by buffonishche »

When I click 'next' button on show info players, game window close suddenly. In terminal you may see (see screenshot) string "** (bygfoot:19372): WARNING **: cup_from_clid: didn't find cup with id 21853". I not know what is means and whether help to solve this bug.

I know. My English sux. Sorry, guys. I'm really stupid to learn langs. ^__^
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Bug while using "Show Info" option with some players

Post by will_the_canuck »

Hey buffonishche.

This error you ran into...I've experienced it before and have two saved game files showing this error also. I haven't reported it yet as I was likely waiting to research it more or waiting until I finished something else before reporting it, but don't worry. I am at least aware of this bug, but as for other people, I'm not so sure. :)

So basically in your example, you started off from the top of your player list and did a "show info" request and then went to the next arrow to show the info of the next player in your list, which in this case is Tavinho Amaral. That is the player that this "bug" is affecting. So if you were to skip this player and select another player with the "show info" option, you should be able to see their info without any problems. As for the cup id of 21853, it is likely a value that was corrupted and assigned to this player in their season history.

Now as I said I have two saved game files showing this error, each are different. The context is the same though, in that it relates to my team playing league games as well as cup games, either national or international. One saved game is from the Netherlands definitions and my team played league games and the national cup games. The other saved game is from the Peru definitions I am working on and my team played league games and some international cup games. As it happened twice, I would say this bug is reproducible as long as your team will be playing league games AND cup games.

Additionally, this bug does not just affect one player. In one of my saved games, it seems this error may have affected more than one player on my team. But that's not the end of it. When I did check the saved game file and looked at the players on the other teams in the saved game file, the value of the cup that had no id that could be found was present in other players on other teams too. So something is either corrupting a value and assigning these values to these players or I have no clue. Additionally, this error will only last for the season. Once the season is over and reset, the values that would create this error are erased and you would basically start over. And this bug would only affect you if you wanted to see the "show info" information on a particular player. If you don't use the "show info" option for a player, this bug won't affect you. So yeah, a little weird.

So this bug is definitely a bug and can be a major pain, especially if a user just wants to check on a player and ends up having their game crash. If they haven't saved the game prior, they will lose any progression they have made. Again, very annoying. :) And it doesn't just affect one player but can affect multiple players too. How or why it is happening, I have no clue but something is likely getting crossed up in the code to create this I'm assuming. To the developers, good luck and if you want my saved game files, let me know.

Will aka will_the_canuck
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