Hello again. This should be my last post on this topic as everything that should be said will have been said, I'm guessing. From my previous two posts here, I asked you what was your best Youth Academy recruit to date, if you recall. When I think of the normal parameters of the game, the Youth Academy investment allows up to 25 percent of earnings. This under normal circumstances will likely lead to recruits with etals of up to a range in the 70s most likely, with maximum attendance taken into consideration. And after training and experience gained while playing them, their etals can likely grow to ranges in the 80s and 90s, we'd hope. Of course, by maximum attendance, I'm referring to attendance at the highest level of competition in the game you're playing, which can be attendance figures of 30,000 or 40,000 or more a game, depending on your game you're playing. And as for the age of the recruits when they may hit an etal in the range of the 80s or 90s, they'll likely be over 22 and past the 4 year range from the youth academy, most likely in the 24 to 27 range.
I also posted an image showing a recruit that had an etal of 99. He was a midfielder aged 17 who had a current skill at the time of 75. When I think of that, it shows promise that there is potential that that player can reach a skill level of 99 and not just have an etal of 99. Well, sometimes promises aren't kept and when I played another game, I also had players with etals of 99, but this time, their skills also were 99. So now, I'm posting pictures of those for proof that yes, you can have players with skills of 99 that originate from your youth academy.
The following three pictures were taken from a game I'm playing. I chose a team in Japan from the continent of Asia. Of note, Japan is the only country to pick when selecting Asia as a continent. I started as a fifth tier club and the pictures are from the end of my sixth and seventh seasons. In the first picture, at the end of the sixth season, you can see the recruits in the youth academy and also see two players with an etal of 99 on the left side of the picture. The goalie has a skill level of 99 and a defenceman has a skill of 98, although his etal is also 99. Although too of great notice is that their ages are 19 and 18, respectfully. So, here's that photo:

- End of 6th season
- Screenshot from 2018-05-16 23-35-55 - player with sk 99.png (119.63 KiB) Viewed 3060 times
As for the next two photos, they are a bit of an overlap since my resolution on my netbook is small and the full screen won't show up.

They are from the end of the seventh season and show the players names, skill levels, etals, value, wage, and time left on their contracts. And as this is one season after the previous photo shown above, you can see the progression of the team. Instead of one 99 skilled and etal'd player, I now have five players with an etal of 99, four of which are at a skill level of 99. The value of the players too is listed, of which four of them are around the 8 million dollar mark. And the ages of all of the players is 21 and under. So for now, here are the last two photos:

- End of 7th season, part 1
- Screenshot from 2018-05-26 04-34-37.png (133.63 KiB) Viewed 3060 times

- End of 7th season, part 2
- Screenshot from 2018-05-26 04-35-16.png (136 KiB) Viewed 3060 times
So on that note, enjoy and good bye for now.