disappearing players... and how to bring them back?

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disappearing players... and how to bring them back?

Post by chopper »

Hello guys

Not sure this is the right place to post, but anyway -

I'm enjoying Bygfoot, even though I have no idea how to compile anything and have ended up downloading what I think is an older version from a linux archive (yep, I have a linux-based netbook but have no clue at all about linux itself.... masochistic, i'm sure). But it runs, and that's the important part. I've even figured out how to change player names and add teams and leagues, so I have the current Wolves squad rampaging through the Premier League.
One question: when I sell players to other clubs, they just vanish - you don't see them when you browse teams afterwards. Is this supposed to happen? If so, I've worked out a long way around it, cutting the player details from the last (pre-sale) game save and pasting them into the correct new league and team. It's easy enough, but very long-winded. Why bother? Mainly because I'm obsessive enough to want to see how players fare after Im done with them :lol:
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Post by gunnar »

This looks like a feature request. As far as I know computer teams don't really transfer players, so it's probable that we don't add the player to his new team. This might not be something that is easy to add. But it's something that will bring the game more to life.

I remember checking my old players when I played Ultimate Soccer Manager.
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Post by gyboth »

Yup, the transferred players just disappear. I didn't add real transferring because I wanted to avoid CPU teams becoming unbalanced because of bad transfers. I don't think it would be too hard to add, though.
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Post by ircarrascal »

It does seem strange when successful teams buy your crap players. If the transfer offers were more realistic, this feature would be a nice thing to have.
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