[done] adding a break to a league with >2 round robins
[done] adding a break to a league with >2 round robins
So, how can you add a break (winter break) to a league that has more than 2 round robins? These include at least Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. Currently, when you insert a <break> in those league files, the game adds a break after each round, which makes the season incredibly long and it doesn't correspond to the time of a winter break, which should be after the 2nd round robin, so after week 18 in those leagues. Could there be some change that you could name the week when that break would start and then add its length? Or what do I know? That's why I'm asking you pros.
I've added this. You can give a comma separated list of custom breaks now:You can also specify only one value, like before.
Works in league defs and in cup round sections, too (see Ivan's feature request).
Code: Select all
Works in league defs and in cup round sections, too (see Ivan's feature request).
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