Wiki registration - not receiving any mails

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Wiki registration - not receiving any mails

Post by greenman »

I've registered for the wiki, and reset my password, but it never seems to mail me (yes, my email's valid, no it's not caught in my spam filter).

The wiki could actually be ideal for updating commentary, easy to track and roll back changes, but really easy for someone passing by to contribute without the effort of CVS etc.
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Post by gyboth »

try emailing mark with the 'send feedback' link at the bottom of the wiki. he's the one responsible for it (it's part of his wiki collection). i hope he can help you.

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Post by vector »


yeah sorry about the wiki.. my server was impounded by the uni IT police when the wiki allowed a security breech in . It took some time to convince them to allow it back on.
I had to update things and not being a linux or computer dude I never really got it all working properly again.

However I use the twiki every day!

In an effort to stop security breaches I stopped automated registrations. for some time tho I didnit realise Id also stopped registrations full stop.
Now it should email me if someone has registered, then I manually have to register you and hopefully email you the "your registered" note.

I apologise if some have not been cleared.. it really gets heaps of spammers attempting to register. and that email address also gets heaps of spam and Im sure the filter just looses people :(

It should be working now.
Yeah its a brilliant idea but alas I feel I have failed to have the smarts to implement it correctly.
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