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Post by Corrupted »

I had this problem, but I finally I solve it. I had gtk+-2.6.7, so I updated (using src) to 2.6.10 and the game works. Well, now I have a unstable distro (Fedora 3) that complains always that I want to upgrade using apt, but I can play Bygfoot. :)
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Post by gyboth »

Corrupted wrote:Well, now I have a unstable distro (Fedora 3) that complains always that I want to upgrade using apt, but I can play Bygfoot. :)
who cares if their distro is unstable as long as Bygfoot works :lol:

btw, 2.6.10 is as far as i know the stablest gtk version currently (the last 2.6 minor version). the very latest stable version is 2.8.6 or 7.

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