hi guys,
just posing one question.
when installing onto my xp computer (bygfoot-1.9.1-win), i keep getting this problem come up when i click on the game icon to play - this application has failed to start because libatk-1.0.0.dll was not found. re-installing the application may fix this problem. i have reinstalled it mulitple times to no avail. please help !!
i have the same problem. i installed gtk+ 2.8.6. when i try to start this game it came a error-message about not found dll. when i intsalled the dll and try it again came the next message about missing dll. pls need help. thx
Feenfleisch wrote:i have the same problem. i installed gtk+ 2.8.6. when i try to start this game it came a error-message about not found dll. when i intsalled the dll and try it again came the next message about missing dll. pls need help. thx
check your Path variable by going to system properties -> advanced -> environment variables. it should contain something like 'c:\programs\shared files\gtk\2.0\bin'. if it doesn't, look where the corresponding dir of the gtk runtime environment is located on your system and add the path to the variable.
if this is not the problem, and the gtk bin path is there, it might be that gtk 2.8.x is too new? i'm not sure how backwards-compatible 2.8 is compared to 2.6. try installing the latest 2.6 release (i think it's 2.6.10?). maybe that helps.
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