While trying to install the RPMs posted yesterday (sat 18th of June) on this site through the command rpm -U bygfoot(...).rpm, I get an error saying that the RPM files are not RPM packages neither a list of packages. I checked with the former version (1.8.1) and there was no problem with this file.
I'm under Fedora Core 3 .
Thank you in advance for your help
Problem installing RPM 1.8.2 and 1.9.0
i don't have a clue, unfortunately. i just tried out both packages and they work perfectly on my system.
could you try 'rpm -Uvv bygfoot..rpm' and post the result (as a zipped text file, maybe)?
you could also compile the source package yourself or rebuild the srpm package (rpmbuild --rebuild bygfoot...src.rpm), maybe that works.
if all else fails, get the binary package. that one should work (unless you don't have an x86 system
could you try 'rpm -Uvv bygfoot..rpm' and post the result (as a zipped text file, maybe)?
you could also compile the source package yourself or rebuild the srpm package (rpmbuild --rebuild bygfoot...src.rpm), maybe that works.
if all else fails, get the binary package. that one should work (unless you don't have an x86 system

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Error message
My system is in French, so it won't help if I send it as is (and I don't want to restart my system) but the translated error message is very short :
bygfoot-1.8-2.i586.rpm: is not an rpm package (neither a list of packages):
D: 0 source package(s) and 0 binary package(s) found
I will of course compile the code when I'll have time but I thought I wasn't the only one with this problem. I have exactly the same problem with v 1.9.0 too, and I tried several times to download the files in case they were corrupted, but it didn't change anything...
bygfoot-1.8-2.i586.rpm: is not an rpm package (neither a list of packages):
D: 0 source package(s) and 0 binary package(s) found
I will of course compile the code when I'll have time but I thought I wasn't the only one with this problem. I have exactly the same problem with v 1.9.0 too, and I tried several times to download the files in case they were corrupted, but it didn't change anything...
Re: Error message
you could try setting 'LANG=en_GB' before doing the rpm command.zekriss2 wrote:My system is in French, so it won't help if I send it as is (and I don't want to restart my system)
don't have any ideabygfoot-1.8-2.i586.rpm: is not an rpm package (neither a list of packages):
D: 0 source package(s) and 0 binary package(s) found

you are the only one reporting the problem. of course it'd be nice to have positive counter-examples apart from my system, but i don't know a lot of people who use linux.but I thought I wasn't the only one with this problem.
did anyone else here in the forum install an rpm package of 1.8.2 or 1.9.0

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[solved problem]
Forget it, I'm just too stupid : I wanted to go fast and I had saved the link on the download page, and I had forgotten that it linked not to a file but to the mirror server pages. So my file with RPM extension was actually an HTML page...
Won't do it again, I promise...
Anyway, great job on this project, this is my favourite game...

Won't do it again, I promise...
Anyway, great job on this project, this is my favourite game...
Bug still appearing
OK, to make you forgive me of this previous waste of time, I have some interesting news for you : a bug that I reported in version 1.8.1 and that was supposed to be solved in 1.8.2 still appears : I can't select the last player on my bench. I use a Zip game file that was saved from 1.8.1 version. If you want I can send you the Zip file.
Re: Bug still appearing
oh, that's nice of you. to make me forgive you you report a bug. i'm overjoyedzekriss2 wrote:OK, to make you forgive me of this previous waste of time, I have some interesting news for you : a bug that I reported in version 1.8.1 and that was supposed to be solved in 1.8.2 still appears : I can't select the last player on my bench. I use a Zip game file that was saved from 1.8.1 version. If you want I can send you the Zip file.

seriously: i think this bug is solved in 1.8.2, but bugged savegames 'transport' the bug to 1.8.2. so 1.8.2 is in fact not *really* savegame compatible with 1.8.1.
however, if the bug occurs in 1.8.2, too (without .1 savegames), please report.
on the other hand 1.9.0 is a lot better than the 1.8 branch, so i wouldn't play 1.8.2 at all if i were you

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