here we are, a now topic.vector wrote:We should really move this cvs and update topic elsewhere, as admin can you do this?
let's start with some general info on the script:
- in 1.7.3, the script is located
- in the directory with the 'configure' and 'Makefile' files in the source version,
- in '/usr/share/bygfoot/support_files' in the rpm version,
- in the directory with the executable 'bygfoot' in the bin version.
- almost everything that the script needs to know can be given as a command line option. type bygfoot-update -h (or --help) to see a list of all options.
- you can run the script without any command line option. in this case you'll be prompted whenever the script needs some input.
- the latest version of the script (newer than the one in 1.7.3) can be found here.
- update your source package with patches. This is only relevant, if you've compiled Bygfoot yourself. in this case, you can update your package using patches, which get downloaded and applied automatically (normally they are a lot smaller than the complete packages) whenever there's a new version; you don't have to download new versions any more.
- download the latest Bygfoot release. you don't have to visit the home page or the project page to get new Bygfoot versions; you can use this mode of the script to download new releases.
- get country file package with official team names. because of copyright problems, the official Bygfoot packages don't contain real team names like 'Arsenal London', only city names like 'London'. but the real team names can be downloaded from the home page (section Additional download); and you can use this mode of the script to have them downloaded and unpacked for you.
- get CVS version. you can use this mode to get the latest CVS version for the 1.7 or 1.9 branch (cvs has to be installed, of course). CVS syntax is rather complicated and hard to memorize, which is why i added this mode. you can download the CVS version anonymously or by entering your username (you'll be prompted). after downloading you'll find a directory bygfoot-unstable (or bygfoot2-unstable for the 1.9 branch); to compile the package, enter the directory and type ./ followed by make (and make install as root if you'd like to install the game system-wide). to keep the CVS version on your computer up-to-date, type cvs update -dP in the bygfoot-unstable directory.
NOTE: you might get an error mentioning the .cvspass file; you can ignore the error message safely.
